Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Beautiful story

Once Krishna and Balram were walking through a dense forest. It was a scary forest full of fierce animals and demons. Suddenly a demon came before them. Balram was petrified seeing a demon and asked fearfully," Who are you?" The demon answered-I am a demon the size of your fear. Hearing this Balram was even more scared and the demon grew bigger. The bigger he grew the more scared Balram was. Seeing him grow Balram fainted. Then demon turned his attention to Krishna. He said- " I am demon the size of your fear." Krishna looked at him nonchalantly and started playing his flute. The demon grew smaller and smaller till he disappeared. When Balram got up he was surprised to see this and he realised his mistake. We live in scary times today and we need to let our faith win over fears we have in our mind. Let's make a conscious effort to have our faith in good things in life 1)Mediatate and keep calm- Your positive energies can make your immunity higher 2) Relax- Listen to good music, dance or do whatever that makes you happy 3)Hear, say and listen to good things..there is a world beyond COVID19 4) Spend time with people who uplift you instead of those who bring you down 5) Stay safe but be kind and loving too..people need healing and love in such times Let's remeber that faith conquers fear anytime and anyday👍🏼👍🏼

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