Tuesday, October 8, 2024

 Navdurga (नवरात्रि)

Nav-Durga signifies that we should renew our body system (Durga) by detoxifying through fasting and purifying the environment by Havan or Yagya. 

The best way of celebrating is to energise the body and mind. There are seven centres of energy or Shakti in the body called energy centres. Activation of this chakra Opens the way to self-realisation.

The nine days of Navratri are classified as per the three basic qualities of tamas, rajas and sattva. The first three days are tamas, where the goddess is fierce, like Durga and Kali. The next three days are Lakshmi related – gentle but materially oriented goddesses. The last three days are dedicated to Saraswati, which is sattva. It is related to knowledge and enlightenment. 

According to Ayurveda, fasting energies the digestive fire. An increase in the digestive fire burns the toxins in the body. When the toxins are flushed out of the body, it loses dullness and lethargy. It helps in de-stressing and building up immunity. All the cells of the body are rejuvenated.

 Fasting, therefore, is an effective therapy to cleanse our body. The Chakras are thought to represent the whole body with the Goddess Durga Devi in different forms, residing in different chakras. Different emotions are linked with each of these energy centres.

These chakras manage our body’s energy. They receive, assimilate and distribute energy to our energy centres. Malfunctioning of chakras triggered by negative thoughts and actions may restrict the movements of the life force from one to other and cause the energy system to haywire.

Also, we need to get rid of all the negative feelings and emotions. Our nervous system needs to be strengthened by performing a specific meditation Sadhana each night of Navratri in the manner specified for that (Navdurga) day in order to rejuvenate our mind and nerves in order to make our body capable to fight disease and get success in life.

 These celebrations motivate us to contribute for the society as a whole as we are enjoying today the fruits of the actions earlier performed by the society only. Prayer and celebrations for that fill us with the positive energy that strengthen our nervous system.

So, tuning of the chakras continually is vital for regular upkeep of physical, mental and emotional health. Balancing chakras is central to our wellbeing.

Shailaputri: The first form of Durga represents purity and the power of nature. She teaches us to respect and protect the environment. The divine root chakra (Mooladhara) helps devotees begin their path of self-realization. The first chakra, muladhara, is located in the base of the spine. Here, the energy manifests as inertia or enthusiasm. The positive attributes of the Muladhara Chakra are vitality, vigour and growth.

In the symbolic picture of the Muladhara Chakra there is a Lotus with four petals representing the four functions of the psyche: mind (Manas), intellect (Buddhi), consciousness (Chitta) and ego (Ahamkara) all of which originate in this Chakra.

Life is consciousness and consciousness strives for evolution. The symbols of the Muladhara Chakra are characteristic of both energy and upward movement indicating an upward expansion of consciousness. unfolding of consciousness towards human consciousness. The Chakra’s colour is red, the colour of Shakti.

वन्दे वांछितलाभाय चंद्रार्धकृत शेखरां
बृशारूढं शूलधारं शैलपुत्रीं यशस्विनीम् ||

Brahmacharini: The second form of Durga represents perseverance and self-control. She teaches us to remain steadfast in our beliefs and work towards our goals with dedication. One can develops the intent of sacrifice for creativity. For this concentration is required to wards the second energy centre, swadhistana chakra.

Creativity gives one a pleasure and wonder that child feels on seeing a new object. Hence by balancing this chakra, one becomes creative. This chakra is linked with the Adrenal gland which secretes a hormone named Adrenaline.

 When this gland functions well and there is no blockage of energy, one is vey self confident. Adrenaline induces enthusiasm, courage, faith and strength etc. and prepares the body and mind to endure or react in cold, heat, defence, struggle, self defence etc.

 Under the influence of this hormone one tries to create his own identity and existence. He also make an effort to know his own self. The Svadhishthana Chakra marks the second level of our development. Orange is the colour of activity and purity. It indicates the positive qualities that unfold in this Chakra such as joy, faith, self-confidence and energy.

The evolution of consciousness towards pure, human consciousness begins in the Svadhishthana Chakra. It is the seat of the subconscious mind where all life experiences and impressions since the beginning of our existence in the womb are stored.

Chandraghanta: The third form of Durga represents courage and grace. She teaches us to face challenges with bravery and a positive attitude. The Manipur Chakra (third chakra) is awakened in the worshipper. Located on the solar plexus, controlling point of the pancreas. Manipura is closely tied to the digestive fire and heat regulation.  

Here energy manifests as four emotions: Generosity, joy, greed and jealousy (two positive and two negative emotions). Pancreas is the corresponding gland of this chakra. This chakra helps in producing digestive juices and a hormone named insuline which oxidises glucose and provides strength to the body. 

Activation of this chakra grants one the gift of speech and he becomes a gifted speaker and orator. The feelings of love and happiness that we feel in our heart actually originate in the Manipura Chakra and rise from there to the Anahata Chakra.

The energies of Prana and Apana vayu meet at the Manipura Chakra. They represent the two basic functions of giving and taking, expansion and contraction, assimilation and elimination. Apana is the “eliminating power” that brings about detoxification through excretion, secretion and exhalation. 

Yellow colour Godess become your Passion; becomes pure selfless love; through the light of wisdom, prejudice and aversion change to respect and understanding; and envy and insatiable greed change to goodwill and healthy moderation. With the gaining of self-confidence, pride and jealousy change to modesty and generosity, ignorance changes into clarity, and laziness into focussed, consistent effort.

Kushmanda: The fourth form of Durga represents energy and creativity. She teaches us to channel our inner strength and creativity to achieve our goals. By worshipping Kushmanda form of Goddess Durga, the Anahat Chakra or cardiac chakra is awakened. 

Anahata nada = eternal sound the sound OM. The Anahata Chakra is the seat of the Divine Self (Atma). These represent the Divine qualities of the heart, such as bliss, peace, harmony, love, understanding, empathy, clarity, purity, unity, compassion, kindness and forgiveness.

The Thymus gland which motivates the body to fight bacteria and viruses is also located here. Thr selfish emotions located in the thoracic region, lies in the heart, (the solar plexus) and is associated with air (atmosphere) i.e. related with Vata. It emits a mysterious cosmic vibration as of un-struck sound. That is sound beyond the realm of senses. 

If our consciousness sinks down to the spheres of worldly passion, our emotions become confused and unbalanced. It is then that desire, jealousy, sadness and despair overwhelm us. Concentration on this Chakra can develop one’s talent as an author or poet. Another power arising from Anahata Chakra is Sankalpa Shakti, the power to fulfil desires.

Skandamata: The fifth form of Durga represents motherly love and compassion. She teaches us to care for others and nurture relationships with kindness. 

Vishuddhi chakra is the seat of higher forms of creativity governing the highest physical aspect of creation, art, definitely over and above other physical aspects of creation/innovation.

Vishuddhi, essentially means filter. If your Vishuddhi is active, it filters everything. Poisons can enter you in many ways; a wrong thought, emotion, idea, energy, or impulse can poison your life.

 An active Vishuddhi saves you from all these influences. In other words, once your Vishuddhi is active, whatever happens around you will not have an impact on you anymore.

Located in the throat region where energy manifests as two emotions ­ gratitude and grief. Vishuddhi Chakra is the starting point of Udana Prana. Thyroid and Para-thyroid glands keep on check on the level of iodine and calcium in the body and maintain the strength of the bones.

Katyayani: The sixth form of Durga represents power and victory. She teaches us to never give up and persevere through obstacles.

By worshipping Goddess Katyayani, the worshipper is bestowed with awakening of Agya chakra; located between the eyebrows where energy manifests as anger and alertness.  For this reason it is also known as the “third eye”. This chakra provides soundness to the mental state of a person.

The Agya Chakra is the centre of clarity and wisdom. It forms the boundary between human and Divine consciousness. It is the meeting point of the three principle Nadis, Ida (Moon Nadi), Pingala (Sun Nadi) and Sushumna (Central Nadi).

  The Ajna Chakra controls and energizes the pituitary gland, the endocrine glands and the brain to a certain extent. Here, Devi is six-faced, representing the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste) and the mind.

Kalaratri: The seventh form of Durga represents darkness and destruction. She teaches us to confront our fears and overcome them with courage. The crown chakra is the seventh chakra.

While worshipping Goddess Kalaratri, one should start experiencing that energy from the sun is coming and energising the whole body. The Sahasra Chakra is located on the crown of the head beneath the Fontanelle. 

 Located at the top of the head, it gives us access to higher states of consciousness as we open to what is beyond our personal preoccupations and visions. The function of the Crown chakra is driven by consciousness and gets us in touch with the universal.

Shakti is located in the Muladhara Chakra and Shiva in the Sahasra Chakra. The trench that separates Shiva and Shakti (otherwise known as Purusha and Prakriti / consciousness and nature) are emotions full of suffering, such as loneliness, sadness, bitterness, fear, doubt, etc., that accompany us through life.

Ichha Shakti (willpower) is the force that finally provides the impulse for the removal of the rocks of Karmas and cumbersome qualities once and for all. This mental and spiritual power is also supported through prayer. Medha Shakti is one of the most influential and important forces in the body; mental power, intelligence and memory depend upon it. 

We strengthen our Medha Shakti through relaxation of body and mind, quietening our thoughts, trusting in God, inner peace, joy and contentment. All inverted postures of yoga such as Shirshasana (headstand), Sarvangasana (shoulderstand) Viparitkarani Mudra (Energy Regeneration Pose), Yoga Mudra (Forward Bend sitting on heels) and Shashankasana (Hare) are particularly beneficial. Agnisara Kriya, Pranayama, concentration and meditation practices also strengthen Medha Shakti. 

Mahagauri: The eighth form of Durga represents purity and serenity. She teaches us to seek inner peace and harmony.

On 8th day (Astami) Navratri, the devotees worship Mother Gauri by experiencing that their mind is being filled with coolness emanating from the moon and slowly their mind is becoming quiet and calm.

Siddhidatri: 9th Day Goddess Siddhidatri represents spiritual enlightenment and fulfillment. She teaches us to seek knowledge and wisdom and to be grateful for all blessings in life.

When the whole body has already been made free of toxicity and energised and also mind is calm and quiet, one is to pray the Goddess Siddhidatri to bestow with success in all walks of life.

 Navdurga reminds us to embrace our authenticity. Durga embodies Shakti, the dynamic aspect of ultimate reality and its role in creation, protection and transformation. Durga also embodies empowerment of women and reverence for them. Durga gives the eternal message of hope and assurance for divine intervention in times of trouble.

Vijaya Dashami marks the victory of divine power over demoniac forces. It was on this day that Lord Rama killed the ten-headed Ravana, who had abducted His wife Sitadevi. This day is also known as Dashara in this connection. The word Dashara is derived from two Sanskrit words dasha (ten) and hara (defeat).

"Om Dum Durgaye Namah" is the daily practise of letting go of who we think we are supposed to be and embracing who we are. Navdurga teaches us to cultivate virtues and strive for spiritual growth and enlightenment. You can chant beej mantras of Goddess on their respective days.

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