Wednesday, December 20, 2023

 Interesting information, some of it unbelievable.


1)Birds don’t urinate.

2)Horses and cows can easily sleep while standing up.

3)The bat is the only mammal that can fly. The leg bones of a bat are so thin that no bat can walk.

4) Even when a snake has its eyes closed, it can still see through its eyelids.

5) Despite the white, fluffy appearance of the Polar Bear's fur, it actually has black skin.

6) The average housefly only lives for 2 or 3 weeks.

7) For every human in the world there are one million ants.

8) A small amount of alcohol placed on a scorpion will make it go crazy and sting itself to death!

9) Alligators and sharks can live up to 100 years.

10) A honeybee has two stomachs- one for honey, one for food.

11) Elephants weigh less than the tongue of a blue whale. The heart of a blue whale is the size of a car.

12) Blue whales are the largest creature to ever roam the Earth.

13) A cockroach can survive for about a week without its head before dying of starvation.

14) When a dolphin is sick or injured, its cries of distress summon immediate aid from other dolphins, which try to support it to the surface so that it can breathe.

15) A snail can sleep for up to 3 years.

16) The fastest bird, the spine-tailed swift, can fly as fast as 106mph. (Peregrine falcon speed is actually 390km/hr or 108mph)

17) A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.

18)The leech has 32 brains.

19) The average outdoor-only cat has a lifespan of about three years. Indoor-only cats can live for  sixteen years and longer.

20) Sharks are the only animals that never get sick. They are immune to every type of disease including cancer.

21) A mosquito’s proboscis (piercing needle) has 47 sharp edges on its tip to help it cut through skin and even protective layers of clothing.

22) The human brain has memory space of over 2.5 Million Petabytes which is 2,500,500 Gigabytes.

*What is the biological phenomenon that appears in human gradual loss of muscle mass, strength and function when they are growing older?*

This is known as *Sarcopenia*!
*Sarcopenia* is a gradual loss of muscle mass, strength and function... the loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength as a result of aging... The situation may be terrible, depends on individual.

Let's explore & analyze multiple ways to prevent *sarcopenia* thus:
1. Develop the habit, if you're able to stand... just don't sit, and don't lie down if you can sit!

2. Whenever an elderly person falls ill, and get admitted to the hospital, do not ask him/her for more rest, or to lie down, relax and/or not get out of bed... It's not helpful. Help them take a walk... Except if they lost stamina to do so.

 *Lying down for a week causes loss of at least 5% of muscle mass! And unfortunately, the elderly can't recover the loss muscles!* 
 *Usually, most seniors/elderly who hire assistants loses muscle faster than the active ones!*

3. *Sarcopenia* is more terrifying than osteoporosis!

With osteoporosis, one just need to be careful not to fall, while sarcopenia not only affects the quality of life but also causes high blood sugar due to insufficient muscle mass!

 *4. The fastest loss of muscles (atrophy) is through idleness in muscles of the legs...* 

Because when in sitting or lying position, the legs do not move, and the strength of the muscles of the legs are directly affected... This is especially important to pay unto utmost attention!

Going up and down stairs... walking, running and cycling are all great exercises, and can increase muscle mass!

 *For a better quality of life at old age... move... & don't waste your muscles!!*

Aging starts from the feet upwards!
Keep your legs active and strong!!

  ▪️ *As we grow older on a daily basis, our feet should always stay active and strong.* 

If you don't move your legs for just 2 weeks, your real leg strength will decrease by 10 years.

Therefore, *regular exercises such as walking, cycling etc. are very important*.

The feet are a kind of columns that bear the entire weight of the human body....

   *Walk every day!*

Interestingly, 50% of human bones, and 50% of muscles are in the legs. Isn't that amazing?

       *Are you walking?*

The largest and strongest joints and bones of the human body are also found in the legs.

       *Are you walking?*

70% of human activity and energy burning in human life is done majorly through or by biped (two feet).

  *The foot is the center of body movement*.
 ▪️ Both legs together contain 50% of the human body nerves, 50% of the blood vessels and 50% of the blood flowing through them.

       *Are you walking?*

As a matter of study, aging starts from the feet upwards.
  ▪️ *Legs exercise is never too late even after the age of seventy and eighty*
 ▪️ Walk at least 30-40 minutes a day to make sure your legs receive enough exercise and to ensure your leg muscles stay healthy.

       *Are you walking?*

Share this important information with all your friends, and family members... Especially, ages 40 & above, as everyone gets older every day

*It's never too late...*
*Let's start walking today!*

yours truly
Fwdd as rcvd 
By ur well wishing 
Dr Markandeya

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