Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Noisy Mind is Hell in Motio

Noisy Mind is Hell in Motion

Choice and not chance determines destiny. Let your choice be to have a silent

Understand that a noisy mind has no centre. It is like both a man and a woman
playing on a piano. Notes will be separate and there will be no harmony. But
when a musician plays, the notes are in a harmony. A silent mind has a centre
and hence harmony. A noisy mind has no harmony and hence it is hell in motion.

When a silent man gets angry, there is beauty and lustre in the anger, for it is
filled with the purity of silence. But when a noisy mind gets angry it is ugliness.

In Egypt they found wheat seeds of many thousand years in the tomb. When
they took them out and planted them, they started sprouting.

The words of enlightened masters are seeds of silence. When planted in a
noisy mind it will not sprout. Be silent and invite heaven or move with hell.
Man has a choice to decide to be in hell or heaven.

'What should I do to attain the divine?' asked the student.

'The divine is not attained by doing, but by seeing with a silent mind,' replied
the master.

'Then what is the purpose of doing?' asked the student.

'Action is meant to express the divine and not to attain it,' replied the master.

Sacred Key

The words of enlightened
masters are seeds of silence

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