Sunday, August 27, 2023

The cause of all diseases... "Manasse", the antidote... "Manasse" "Surprising things have come to light in various experiments done by Japanese scientists.

*The cause of all diseases... "Manasse", the antidote... "Manasse" "Surprising things have come to light in various experiments done by Japanese scientists.*

*For so long we have been "blind" to the fact that the roots of many health problems are not in the food we eat, but in the way we live.
* They say that those who keep their mind at ease will not get any diseases. In another survey conducted in America, it was concluded that those who have a good mind live longer. They concluded that if the mind is disturbed, the absent thoughts take place and in order to get rid of them, they develop "weaknesses" and become addicted to them and become victims of "evils". In recent times, doctors around the world have started to reduce the prescription of drugs for critical diseases and to correct the "life style".*

      _That's why doctors are changing the method of giving treatment to chronic diseases like diabetes and BP._
*don't eat until*
     *all kinds*
*Food freely*
    *He is burning to eat.*

_Those who go for a walk in the morning should listen to their favorite songs to be in a calm mood._

* Do whatever you feel excited to do. Some like to "walk" and some like to go to the gym. Some people want to "brisk walk" while others want to "stair case walk". That's why the doctors suggest to leave it to the patient's will and do some exercise.*

      For once their attitude
      To change like this
      The reason is brand new
      in studies
The things that see the light
      The reason
*The research and study of Japanese scientists is the latest among the results of many researches that have been revealed. Let's see what the scientists involved have to say.*

* ➢ Gas due to "mental stress" ::*
       Stomach gas problem is called gas. It is not due to dietary deficiencies.
"Mental stress" causes more!

* ➢ High Blood Pressure Caused by "Emotions" ::*

     than those who eat more salt
"High blood pressure" is more in those who do not control their "angers"!

* Bad Cholesterol due to “Excessive Laziness” ::*

Bad cholesterol is higher in obese people than in those who eat fatty foods!

* “Diabetes” problem: than those who consume a lot of sweets,*
       "High Selfishness",
*Most of those who have!*

* ➢ Asthma due to "Extreme Sadness" ::*

rather than shortness of breath,
Asthma is caused by changes in the airways due to excessive sadness.

* ➢ "Quietness" or heart disease ::*

Changes in heart beat are due to lack of calm rather than blood circulation defects in the arteries.

That's why the man gets heart disease.

* On the whole, it seems that the "root causes" of all diseases in the body are not due to "food habits" but lifestyle related. They gave different reasons for that. According to their study-*

  * 50% spirituality
      due to error
  * 25% psychological reasons
      Because of
  * 15% social,
Lack of friendships
      Because of
  * 10% physical causes
       Because of...
*Diseases are coming. Therefore, Japanese scientists say that it is better to change the "life style" and maintain health than to "fix the stomach" and maintain health.*

*If we are not healthy according to their instructions*

- selfishness,
       - anger,
       - hatred,
       - Enmity,
       - rage,
       - Jealousy,
       - stubbornness,
       - laziness,
       - sad,

*Should get rid of such "opposite feelings".*

       - Compassion,
       - Sacrifice,
       - peace,
       - Sorry,
- Selflessness,
       - friendliness,
       - sense of service,
       - Gratitude,
       - love of humor,
       - happiness,
       - Sanukula's perspective
should be increased.”☝️

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