Saturday, February 29, 2020

Put AC at 26+ degrees and put the Fan on.

Put AC at 26+ degrees and put the Fan on.
Very useful information sent by an executive engineer from EB:
Correct use of AC:
As hot summer has started and we use Air conditioners regularly, let us follow the correct method.

Most people have a habit of running their ACs at 20-22 degrees and when they feel cold, they cover their bodies with blankets. This leads to double loss. HOW ???

Do you know that the temperature of our body is 35 degrees Celsius? The body can tolerate temperature ranging from 23 degrees to 39 degrees easily. It is called human body temperature tolerance.

When the Room temperature is lower or higher, the body reacts, by sneezing, shivering, etc.

When you run the AC at 19-20-21 degrees, room temperature is much lower than the normal body temperature and it starts the process called hypothermia in the body which affects blood circulation, whereby, blood supply in some parts of the body is not adequate. There are many disadvantages in long term such as arthritis etc.

Most of the time there is no sweating when AC is ON, so the toxins of the body can not come out and in the long term, cause risk of many more diseases, such as skin allergy or itching, high blood pressure etc.

When you run AC at such low temperatures, it's compressor continuously works on full energy, even if it is 5 stars, excessive power is consumed & it blows money from your pocket.

What is the best way to run AC ?? Set up Temperatures for 26 Degrees or more.
You don't get any benefit by first setting Temperature of AC to 20 - 21 and then wrap the sheet/ thin Quilt around you.
It is always better to run AC at 26+ degrees and put the fan on at slow speed. 28 plus degrees is better.

This will cost less electricity and your body temperature will also be in the range and there will be no ill effect on your health.

Another advantage of this is that the AC will consume less electricity, the blood pressure on the brain will also decrease and Saving will ultimately help reduce the effects of global warming. How ??

Suppose you save about 5 units per AC per night by running AC on 26+ Degree and other 10 lakh houses also do like you then we save 5 million units of electricity per day.

At the regional level this savings can be crores of units per day.

Please consider the above and do not run your AC at all below 26 degrees. Keep your body and environment healthy.

Forwarded in Public Interest
Ministry for Power
and Energy. GOI.
Forward share.

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